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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Pissed off: Part 3

I'm pissed at people who think they're better then others. People who act tough and look down on those who don't simply because they're not asshole and have respect for other people even if they don't know them. It's called common courtesy which seems to be growing more uncommon. Unfortunately I'm growing more disgusted with the human race as a whole as each day passes. I see so many with so much money that could care less about another person simply because they're poor. Today's justice system isn't about real justice anymore but more about the money, justice has become a business! The government starts and stops funding to organizations that they deem fit for the people's money, the tax payers money. There has to be a better way to advance the way of living and knowledge of the entire human race, one that isn't based on money. The importance of finding a cure for cancer or finding other civil at ions of life in the universe should out weigh the importance of money by far, like an elephant to a mouse! It's out raging to see people donating things that they simply don't want anymore to people in third world countries, really we should be doing much more to bring these people into lives much like our own. There shouldn't be a separation of classes that we see in america, and there shouldn't be first world and third world countries. There should be one world made of different countries all access to the same technology and the same standard of living. I only wonder how long the human race will choose money over the well being and continuing advancements the human race should be going after. It's disgusting.

Last thing I'm pissed off about is when intelligent people decide to get into a romantic relationship with someone who is extremely well below their intelligence level. I just want to know if people do it to feel better about themselves or if they really expect to be mentally challenged by that person. I also would like to know where should a person draw the line when being in a relationship with someone who seems like their life will always be a dramatic mess that will, seemingly, go no where. When is drama and fighting too much and realize that being in a relationship with that person isn't going to get you the happiness you deserve. All I want to say is, stop trying to be romeo if juliet can't let her hair down to help escape, that works for men and women both ways.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Pissed off: Part 2

Today I'm pissed at people who are rude to you when you offer help to them. I know people have their pride but when does your pride become more important then you're health?! Also I'm pissed at women that answer the phone for their man and are rude and giving you the 20 questions routine! When really all they need to do is ask who it is and say hold on please, and for the men of those women GROW SOME BALLS! Answer your own dam phone or get your woman in check! I'm pissed at people who take others generosity for granted and give an attitude when they don't get what they want. I'm pissed at dogs that beg all the time and don't go away when you yell at them and I'm pissed at their owners' that can't train them better.

Today a spider was on the side mirror of the car and as the car went down the road a strand of the spiders web, it was about to spin, was stuck to the mirror and held the spider onto the car. As the car sped up the spider let out more of this strand, not sure if it was intentional or not, but as the spider let more out it was getting battered by the wind into the car more and more. Lately I've felt like I'm getting beaten up more and more, just by trying to hold. But holding onto that last string is what's keeping me farther away from where I really want to be, back on my feet on solid ground.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Pissed off: Part 1

Today I'm pissed off at people who yawn extremely loud and drawn out. I'm pissed at people who complain that they're broke and have the means and schooling to find a great job but just are too lazy to find that job. I'm pissed at people that make messes but are too lazy to clean up after themselves, then expect others to clean up after them. I'm pissed when people are extremely smart without having to try, I'm taking 4.0 through college kind of smart but not a lick of common sense. Sometimes saying the stupidest things you just want to smack them so hard their momma can feel it. I'm pissed at people who are given better treatment just because they've never been in trouble, like they're better then those who've made a mistake. We all know that those people just haven't been caught making a mistake and that pissed me off. Today I'm pissed at my brother!

Today I'm pissed off at situations I have no control over but control my life. Lately I feel like a fly lying on its wings, kicking it's legs in the air, most likely having that feeling of impending doom until it can right itself and fly again. Today I'm waiting to fly again, feeling like I'm about be swatted without a chance to make a move. That pissed me off!

No more nice guy

Hello to whoever is reading this. I'm not writing this blog with intentions to make friends or make anyone happy. This is mostly to blow off steam and a few other things. If you don't like what is said then stop reading because I honestly don't give a shit. If anyone reading this actually knows me then you know I'm normally a very nice and happy person, so I'll warn you I'm not going to be that person here. Here I'm going to be an asshole that's slightly cinical and pessimistic. I invite anyone who wants to join in on venting to go on ahead, I do ask people to have respect of those posting that's pretty much the only thing I ask. I will suggest that if you're venting due to a particular person that you leave your frustrations in your post, unless it's something you truly feel the need to express. For anyone reading thanks for you're time and if you're posting or replying thanks for sharing.