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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Pissed off: Part 2

Today I'm pissed at people who are rude to you when you offer help to them. I know people have their pride but when does your pride become more important then you're health?! Also I'm pissed at women that answer the phone for their man and are rude and giving you the 20 questions routine! When really all they need to do is ask who it is and say hold on please, and for the men of those women GROW SOME BALLS! Answer your own dam phone or get your woman in check! I'm pissed at people who take others generosity for granted and give an attitude when they don't get what they want. I'm pissed at dogs that beg all the time and don't go away when you yell at them and I'm pissed at their owners' that can't train them better.

Today a spider was on the side mirror of the car and as the car went down the road a strand of the spiders web, it was about to spin, was stuck to the mirror and held the spider onto the car. As the car sped up the spider let out more of this strand, not sure if it was intentional or not, but as the spider let more out it was getting battered by the wind into the car more and more. Lately I've felt like I'm getting beaten up more and more, just by trying to hold. But holding onto that last string is what's keeping me farther away from where I really want to be, back on my feet on solid ground.

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