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Saturday, June 13, 2015

Wishful Thinking: Part 2

Today I wish I was a mind reader, I know this contradicts my last wishful thinking but I decided this would be a very beneficial power. Mostly then I would know what my girlfriend is thinking that way I could always say the right thing. It would also really blow some people's minds, which would be rather fun. To be honest though, I wish that everyone would say whatever was on there mind and everyone would be okay with it, or be willing to calmly talk about anything that might come out. I think if this would be a wordy accepted ideal then world peace would follow quickly in its footsteps. I would still really love to fly. I wish the Vulcan mind meld was a real possibility that way people could very easily understand someone's life and point of views and experiences. Hopefully someone will invent a way to do that. I wish time travel was possible, I think it would be a very great learning experience if it was used as way to only view the past and not change it. I do think that there might be some exceptions for changing the past though. But it might be better if it was left at only a viewing experience to settle a lot of life's great mysteries and questions. That's all today.

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