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Monday, June 8, 2015

Wishful thinking: Part 1

Today is about the other things, one being wishful thinking. The purpose behind this kind of post is to inspire other people to think outside the box, maybe someone will even get serious about some of them and invent something. Really I don't fuckin care as long as someone can think about something a little differently. Thanks for reading!

Lately I've had some pretty crazy dreams, normally I dream every night and have multiple dreams throughout the night some of them running into another some not. First wishful thought is that I could lucid dream every night. For those who don't know what lucid dreaming is its when a dream seems so real you believe it's really happening frequently those who lucid dream can also control what's going to happen or happening in their dream. Just think about that for a little bit, if you could lucid dream every night and control your dreams, you'd probably enjoy sleeping much more then being awake. Imagine being able to fly or have any other super power you wanted, this is also another wishful thought that I could fly not really any other super power. To go along with the lucid dreaming is that I wish you could video record and play back one's dreams. Just imagine if you could show other people your dreams and see other people's dreams, that could be even better then seeing a movie. It also would be so much easier to show someone rather then finding the words to explain the dreams you have. I hope someone invents a way to do that.

This is the beginning of wishful thinking and the end of part one.

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