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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

No more nice guy

Hello to whoever is reading this. I'm not writing this blog with intentions to make friends or make anyone happy. This is mostly to blow off steam and a few other things. If you don't like what is said then stop reading because I honestly don't give a shit. If anyone reading this actually knows me then you know I'm normally a very nice and happy person, so I'll warn you I'm not going to be that person here. Here I'm going to be an asshole that's slightly cinical and pessimistic. I invite anyone who wants to join in on venting to go on ahead, I do ask people to have respect of those posting that's pretty much the only thing I ask. I will suggest that if you're venting due to a particular person that you leave your frustrations in your post, unless it's something you truly feel the need to express. For anyone reading thanks for you're time and if you're posting or replying thanks for sharing.

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