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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Pissed off: Part 1

Today I'm pissed off at people who yawn extremely loud and drawn out. I'm pissed at people who complain that they're broke and have the means and schooling to find a great job but just are too lazy to find that job. I'm pissed at people that make messes but are too lazy to clean up after themselves, then expect others to clean up after them. I'm pissed when people are extremely smart without having to try, I'm taking 4.0 through college kind of smart but not a lick of common sense. Sometimes saying the stupidest things you just want to smack them so hard their momma can feel it. I'm pissed at people who are given better treatment just because they've never been in trouble, like they're better then those who've made a mistake. We all know that those people just haven't been caught making a mistake and that pissed me off. Today I'm pissed at my brother!

Today I'm pissed off at situations I have no control over but control my life. Lately I feel like a fly lying on its wings, kicking it's legs in the air, most likely having that feeling of impending doom until it can right itself and fly again. Today I'm waiting to fly again, feeling like I'm about be swatted without a chance to make a move. That pissed me off!

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