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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Pissed Off: Part 5

Today I'm pissed because of multiple things I've seen over the course of my life, i recalled all this while I was brooding over my distance for the greater portion of humanity as we know it.

First is that most people are extremely rude now a days, especially those working in the fast food industry. Now I know these people aren't getting paid much and probably hate their jobs, but for God's sake put a smile on! Even if you have to pretend to be nice, it would be nice to be greeted with a smile and "how are you today?" In general I find most people become irritated and plain annoyed with those who act as though they would like to cut their wrists because they work in a fast food place. I've worked in fast food and it's really not that terrible, not great either but I still was great full to have a fuckin job, even did so with a smile!
Second is when you pass by someone and say hello and ask how you are if you look up and have eye contact then fuckin respond! Don't act like you didn't hear them because they know you did, you looked right at them as they said it! It's just common courtesy, really easy to say "hello, I'm doing well and you?" Even if you don't mean it most likely that person will have a smile on their face afterwards! Also when someone smiles and nods the same should happen in return, really simple!
Third pissed of point is when guys don't hold the door open for a woman or kids. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but to me that's just what you do! Doesn't matter what they look like just be polite! With that being said I think too many young men don't understand what it means to be a gentleman. Maybe their dad's never spanked their ass as a kid or whatever I don't know, either way I think this is due to poor parenting. I know many people would say oh man I can't believe he said that. Tough shit! Too many people are bent on politically correct now a days and I think it's bullshit! If someone says something you don't like suck it up! Talk about it like a civil adult and always take things with a grain of salt, if you don't know what that means look it up! We've reached a point in our civilization where anything you say can turned into some sick perversion of what was really meant and it sickens me!
Finally, with that last statement in mind be respectful of what others have to say! Don't misconstrue something by not asking what they mean if you don't know. Especially if you are in an argument and plan on a rebuttal, because if you don't understand then the argument futile. Also for those of you who don't know what the hell you're talking about and pulling shit out of your ass, shut the fuck up! It's really annoying, especially if someone really does know what you're trying to talk about and call you out on your shit. Some people might be too nice and simply not say anything, I've done this, if so then someone might actually believe you! Then that person will sound like a dumb ass when they tell someone else what you've said, but isn't as nice as I was, then asked the question "who told you that?" None the less, if you don't know something just say so! You might be inspired to go learn what you didn't know before!

Thanks for fuckin readin

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Wishful Thinking: Part 2

Today I wish I was a mind reader, I know this contradicts my last wishful thinking but I decided this would be a very beneficial power. Mostly then I would know what my girlfriend is thinking that way I could always say the right thing. It would also really blow some people's minds, which would be rather fun. To be honest though, I wish that everyone would say whatever was on there mind and everyone would be okay with it, or be willing to calmly talk about anything that might come out. I think if this would be a wordy accepted ideal then world peace would follow quickly in its footsteps. I would still really love to fly. I wish the Vulcan mind meld was a real possibility that way people could very easily understand someone's life and point of views and experiences. Hopefully someone will invent a way to do that. I wish time travel was possible, I think it would be a very great learning experience if it was used as way to only view the past and not change it. I do think that there might be some exceptions for changing the past though. But it might be better if it was left at only a viewing experience to settle a lot of life's great mysteries and questions. That's all today.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Realistic Thinking: Part 1

Today I'd like to express some realistic thoughts.

First off is that unfortunately the human race is not at point in which its priority of progress hasn't exceeded the priority of prosperity. Which, ironically, if we decided that progress was of much higher importance then prosperity would come at much greater ease for everyone. I think this prosperity would be so great that it would eliminate the need of three classes for income, most likely we could be at two different classes until the human race reaches a point where there wouldn't be the need of currency at all. At that point then we would no longer have classes at all but be united in the progress of the whole race.

Wishful thinking: Part 1

Today is about the other things, one being wishful thinking. The purpose behind this kind of post is to inspire other people to think outside the box, maybe someone will even get serious about some of them and invent something. Really I don't fuckin care as long as someone can think about something a little differently. Thanks for reading!

Lately I've had some pretty crazy dreams, normally I dream every night and have multiple dreams throughout the night some of them running into another some not. First wishful thought is that I could lucid dream every night. For those who don't know what lucid dreaming is its when a dream seems so real you believe it's really happening frequently those who lucid dream can also control what's going to happen or happening in their dream. Just think about that for a little bit, if you could lucid dream every night and control your dreams, you'd probably enjoy sleeping much more then being awake. Imagine being able to fly or have any other super power you wanted, this is also another wishful thought that I could fly not really any other super power. To go along with the lucid dreaming is that I wish you could video record and play back one's dreams. Just imagine if you could show other people your dreams and see other people's dreams, that could be even better then seeing a movie. It also would be so much easier to show someone rather then finding the words to explain the dreams you have. I hope someone invents a way to do that.

This is the beginning of wishful thinking and the end of part one.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Pissed off: Part 4

Sorry for the delay in aggregated posts, my sincere pissed apologies.

Today I'm pissed off at religion. The reason behind it is due to the people who believe in religions. First reason is that people who believe in religion very often, not always, think their religion is the only way and that if don't believe in their religion then something terrible will happen to you after death. Also many of those won't even listen or think that something else might be the reason behind life. One of the biggest things that pisses  me off is how someone looks at you and treats you due to you not believing in their religion. Personally I've decided to be an atheist, for many reasons mostly because of science. Science is factual end of statement. Also I know this might piss off some people but I don't care. If their is a god or whatever then God is either dead or doesn't give a shit about us anymore. The reason I say this is because of the blind faith many religions require, telling us that someday god or Jesus will return without sing when. Not only just not telling us when but waiting thousands of years, while more and more of those people who would be follows fall away during his absence. So I say if God is out there and alive then he's just as bad as a dead beat dad. Just imagine if you were born and there was a letter from your father saying he wouldn't be in your life or something similar and that someday he'd be back but doesn't show up till you're in your forties and wants to be part of your life again. What would you say? I know I'd say hell no! Finally the whole deal of forgiveness, especially in the Christian faith, really baffles me. For example if a murderer or rapist asked God for forgiveness and gets baptized then they'll have a place waiting for them in heaven as long as they live the rest of their live for god, or if they do mess up again then they say a bunch of hail mary's, ask for forgiveness and then they'll be okay. But let's say a guy doesn't believe in god and never gets baptized but is one of the most outstanding members of society in good deeds and general good citizenship, despite never doing anything majorly wrong in his life because he doesn't believe in god he'll burn in hell for the rest of eternity. Personally I think that's pretty fucked up. That's all I'm going to say right now before I piss to many people off.

Also I'm pissed at people who trim their nails in public. It's gross, nobody wants to have to clean up your dirty fuckin nails. It takes two minutes, do it at home. It's also extremely annoying to other people around you. Thank you!