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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Trippy Thinking: Part 2

How many of you say to yourselves there aren't enough hours in the day? Most people sleep about one third of their lives. Now think about what you could do with that time. I'm not saying what if you never slept but what if you could do things in your sleep. Previously I had talked about being able to share your dreams, now I'm talking about replacing dreaming.

What if you were able to learn in your sleep? It wouldn't be much different then dreaming because many parts of the brain are activated during dreams. Imagine if you could access the Internet or school work while you sleep and remember it. What if you could run through simulations or tests to improve yourself in those areas. What if you could create a virtual reality all your own almost like the matrix but without all men in suits trying to kill you. Imagine how much could be done with that other third of our lives. Schooling could be completed in half the time, imagine becoming a doctor in four years rather then eight. Think about how technology and medicine could be advanced in much less time. Stressful life experiences could be simulated in order for people to learn how to handle them better. The possibilities in technology and medicine would be so vast purely for the fact that little to no money would need to be spent in a simulation. The possibility of keeping the mind sharp for the elderly would also be greater. I can think of countless ways this kind of technology could be used. Also think of how you could use this for teams by linking their selves together. This could also be great for watching endless amounts of TV lol.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Trippy Thinking: Part 1

This is for all the people who think outside the box, whether they do drugs or not lol. Also if you don't think outside the box much hopefully this will inspire you to do so.

Lately I've been watching a lot science fiction shows, in doing so it really caused me to entertain thoughts that most would find slightly crazy. For instance I've thought about the topic of artificial intelligence, we've already begun to scratch at the surface of this technology but what if it was much more then a robot or a computer. What if there were androids that were able to reach a singularity effect. For those who don't know, I'm referring to a point when artificial intelligence no longer need humans to exist and can better themselves by their selves and reproduce. At this point we would become inferior to them. Do you think that because we created them that they would want to share what they could do with us? I would hope so, but what if they didnt. We would be facing an android armageddon, the likes of which we've never seen before. I'd like to see those doomsday preppers get ready for that! Just imagine the possibility of all the technology we use everyday could be used against us. Do you think you'd be willing to pull the plug on all power to give us a chance of fighting them, and if we did would it really matter? I think they'd be able to create new alternative power sources we couldn't even think of. Personally I think in all the artificial technologies we should have kill switches to prevent that possibility. Or we would we better off with the possibility of learning as much as we can while possibly imposing our own doom. Unfortunately humans are afraid anything that would make us inferior and I'm not sure we'll ever get past that. Now try to think outside the box and wonder how much we could benefit by entrusting our future to the possibility of being inferior.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Pissed Off: Part 6

I'm pissed at hypocrits. People that yell at you for shit they do all the time. For stuff that you learned from them. I'm not saying that the actions are made okay because my be they're not but someone who does the same thing shouldn't be the one to critiize. The saying "do as I say not as I do" is bullshit. If you believe in that saying then you're probably a person who is critiquing someone that thinks the same thing I'm saying. If you want to critiize someone when you've done the same thing in the past that's different as long as you've made genuine efforts to change the actions you've done yourself. Also another thing is when someone says they know how you feel when they've never been in a similar situation really pisses me off. Don't say you know how I feel when you've got no idea. It's okay to lend a shoulder to someone when needed but most people will ask for advice from someone after that is said. Then they'll be given advice that most likely isn't going to help the situation. Finally people who want to lend advice all the time, just stop. If someone wants your advice or opinion they'll ask, otherwise it's not needed unless it's a pretty extreme situation. For the most part people just get annoyed with it but are too nice to tell you.

Separate reason for being pissed off. People who complain about shit that they can fix. If you can directly affect the situation you're complain about just shut up and do what needs to be done. People around you are tired of listening and not seeing anything done to change it. If you do something about it and it still doesn't work the way you hoped then go ahead and complain but not till you've tried to alter the problem. Also people who enjoy meat! This is for you! Those of you who don't know, I'm a cook and damn good one at that, but occasionally you get people that don't know how to order their fucking food. Before going on I'll tell you a story. A slightly older couple walks into a restaurant and orders a couple beers and two prime rib specials, both ten ounce cuts which are fairly thick. They order both steaks rare. For those of you don't know a rare steak when done us very bloody so it's only cooked for a short amount of time, essentially brown both sides and done. So I cooked these steaks rare and even checked them before they went out. They were perfect! The couple sends them back saying they're cold, they tempted out over one hundred degrees but they wanted them hot so I put them back on the grill and come off round one hundred thirty degrees. They were a little on the medium rare side but they wanted them hot all the way through so I sent them out. They were sent back again! This time the couple said they were well done and gross! People if you don't know how to order and know what to expect then order something else! Also the prime rib is very delicious no matter how it is cooked. Finally for those of you who eat out, don't be afraid to tell the server exactly how you want your meal. Also if something is wrong with it say something! Don't take it out on the server or tip terribly because you're afraid the cook will spit in your food! If you're worried about that then you're in the wrong restaurant!
That's all I got, trippy thinking coming soon.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Wishful Thinking: Part 3

I wish time travel was real. Sometimes there's stuff that happens that you really regret or later think could of done better but it's already done and over. The only thing that can be done is to learn from it and do it better the next time. Unfortunately though there isn't a next time and now you're stuck wishing you could turn back time to fix it all. I frequently think about whether there's alternate dimensions where the only differences are the choices made by people. I also think about what if there was a way to view these alternate dimensions to see the different outcomes in these decisions. Then if time travel was possible you could change what you did to get the desired outcome you just saw. But in all reality it really wouldn't matter because in another dimension you're still experiencing it anyway, trippy thinking I know lol. (Note to self, trippy thinking could be a great subject!) I guess what I'm trying to say is until either of these are available think very hard about important decisions or actions even if you have to walk away or tell someone you'll talk to them later because regret can kill.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Pissed Off: Part 5

Today I'm pissed because of multiple things I've seen over the course of my life, i recalled all this while I was brooding over my distance for the greater portion of humanity as we know it.

First is that most people are extremely rude now a days, especially those working in the fast food industry. Now I know these people aren't getting paid much and probably hate their jobs, but for God's sake put a smile on! Even if you have to pretend to be nice, it would be nice to be greeted with a smile and "how are you today?" In general I find most people become irritated and plain annoyed with those who act as though they would like to cut their wrists because they work in a fast food place. I've worked in fast food and it's really not that terrible, not great either but I still was great full to have a fuckin job, even did so with a smile!
Second is when you pass by someone and say hello and ask how you are if you look up and have eye contact then fuckin respond! Don't act like you didn't hear them because they know you did, you looked right at them as they said it! It's just common courtesy, really easy to say "hello, I'm doing well and you?" Even if you don't mean it most likely that person will have a smile on their face afterwards! Also when someone smiles and nods the same should happen in return, really simple!
Third pissed of point is when guys don't hold the door open for a woman or kids. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but to me that's just what you do! Doesn't matter what they look like just be polite! With that being said I think too many young men don't understand what it means to be a gentleman. Maybe their dad's never spanked their ass as a kid or whatever I don't know, either way I think this is due to poor parenting. I know many people would say oh man I can't believe he said that. Tough shit! Too many people are bent on politically correct now a days and I think it's bullshit! If someone says something you don't like suck it up! Talk about it like a civil adult and always take things with a grain of salt, if you don't know what that means look it up! We've reached a point in our civilization where anything you say can turned into some sick perversion of what was really meant and it sickens me!
Finally, with that last statement in mind be respectful of what others have to say! Don't misconstrue something by not asking what they mean if you don't know. Especially if you are in an argument and plan on a rebuttal, because if you don't understand then the argument futile. Also for those of you who don't know what the hell you're talking about and pulling shit out of your ass, shut the fuck up! It's really annoying, especially if someone really does know what you're trying to talk about and call you out on your shit. Some people might be too nice and simply not say anything, I've done this, if so then someone might actually believe you! Then that person will sound like a dumb ass when they tell someone else what you've said, but isn't as nice as I was, then asked the question "who told you that?" None the less, if you don't know something just say so! You might be inspired to go learn what you didn't know before!

Thanks for fuckin readin

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Wishful Thinking: Part 2

Today I wish I was a mind reader, I know this contradicts my last wishful thinking but I decided this would be a very beneficial power. Mostly then I would know what my girlfriend is thinking that way I could always say the right thing. It would also really blow some people's minds, which would be rather fun. To be honest though, I wish that everyone would say whatever was on there mind and everyone would be okay with it, or be willing to calmly talk about anything that might come out. I think if this would be a wordy accepted ideal then world peace would follow quickly in its footsteps. I would still really love to fly. I wish the Vulcan mind meld was a real possibility that way people could very easily understand someone's life and point of views and experiences. Hopefully someone will invent a way to do that. I wish time travel was possible, I think it would be a very great learning experience if it was used as way to only view the past and not change it. I do think that there might be some exceptions for changing the past though. But it might be better if it was left at only a viewing experience to settle a lot of life's great mysteries and questions. That's all today.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Realistic Thinking: Part 1

Today I'd like to express some realistic thoughts.

First off is that unfortunately the human race is not at point in which its priority of progress hasn't exceeded the priority of prosperity. Which, ironically, if we decided that progress was of much higher importance then prosperity would come at much greater ease for everyone. I think this prosperity would be so great that it would eliminate the need of three classes for income, most likely we could be at two different classes until the human race reaches a point where there wouldn't be the need of currency at all. At that point then we would no longer have classes at all but be united in the progress of the whole race.