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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Wishful Thinking: Part 3

I wish time travel was real. Sometimes there's stuff that happens that you really regret or later think could of done better but it's already done and over. The only thing that can be done is to learn from it and do it better the next time. Unfortunately though there isn't a next time and now you're stuck wishing you could turn back time to fix it all. I frequently think about whether there's alternate dimensions where the only differences are the choices made by people. I also think about what if there was a way to view these alternate dimensions to see the different outcomes in these decisions. Then if time travel was possible you could change what you did to get the desired outcome you just saw. But in all reality it really wouldn't matter because in another dimension you're still experiencing it anyway, trippy thinking I know lol. (Note to self, trippy thinking could be a great subject!) I guess what I'm trying to say is until either of these are available think very hard about important decisions or actions even if you have to walk away or tell someone you'll talk to them later because regret can kill.

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